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The play depicts the feelings and thoughts of the people of their
time. Their feelings are different then what we see today in
our lives. The family had to deal with poverty and racism.
Not having enough money and always being put down
because of the color of their skin held them back from
having a lot of self-respect and dignity. I think that Mama
was the one who had the most pride and held the family
together. Ruth was being prevented from having a baby
because of money problems, Walter was bringing him self
down by trying to make the liquor store idea work. Once
Mama decided to buy the house with the money she had
received, Walter figured that he should further go on with the
liquor store idea. Then, when Walter lost the money, he lost
his dignity and tried to get some money from the "welcome
party" of Cylborne Park. Mama forced him to realize how
far he went by making him show himself to his son how low
he would go. But he showed that he wasn't susceptible to
the ways the racism created. Raisin In the Sun Dreams can
be seen in many ways. A dream could be something you had
in the night that seems so real, or a dream could be your
fantasy, where everything is going your way. The last type of
dream is something that has more of a deep sense and plays
an important role in your life. The type the dream the
Younger family had. Each individual had their own hopes
and anticipated something. Walter and his chance to be big
and important with his liquor store, Beneatha and becoming
the opposite of an asimillist and becoming a doctor, or Ruth
and her moving out of the rap trap of a life and home, and
becoming something bigger and more significant. The person
I saw that had the foremost wishes was Mama. All she
wanted was to see her family happy and for her to be happy
herself for once. She wanted the family to stop suffering and
"never moving forwards". Mama wanted Travis to have his
own room, and by this she sacrificed her own personal room
for that by sharing with Beneatha in the new house. She was
sick and tired of this anguish the family received. Her dream
was to see her family stop having distress and be in a higher
class and to be basically be happy. In the beginning of the
play Mama anticipated the insurance money coming. She
hadn't decided right away on what to do but she the basic
idea. From the time she didn't have money to a little bit
after, Mama began to really see what her family was put
through. Before the money came, the family began to have
their own dreams and Mama listened. They varied, of
course, but they had one primary meaning; to get out of this
rut they were in and head to somewhere big. Once Mama
got the money, it took a little time but she had her mind set,
she went and bought a house. She felt it would be the best
thing to benefit everyone in the household. She ignored the
racial lines the would prevent the normal black people from
even thinking of moving in that type area and pursued her
dream, her dream house. Once the "welcoming committee"
showed up, Mama was luckily not there, she understood
that difficulty would lie ahead, but she didn't care. Not much
would stop her from her dream, not even losing the money,
the essential life force of her dream. Walter's incompetence
isn't a big enough hurdle to prevent her from continuing her
dream. She would sacrifice for her family, like working and
not spend as much money. In the end of the story everything
worked out fine. I think because she stuck so severely to it
and tried her hardest not to let go of her dream. Letting go
of it would be like giving up on her life. Her dream was
definitely a positive dream to everyone, all she wanted to do
was to make everyone happy. Walter was disappointed at
times because Mama denied the money he needed so badly,
but he didn't see things the way Mama did. Mama was the
one that saw past all the little things that would hold her back
from completing her dream. But that's the thing she did the
most and the best, held on the dreams and made them come
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