Mathematician and the Musician
The mathematician sees thing only as they should be; he knows the logical explination for everything, and
can manipulate it till the common person is lost in confusion as to what is being explained to him.
The musician is incapable of concrete thinking; he solves the mysteries of life with word and metaphors
and paradoxs that are answers to that world which is his own inner mind. Both refuse to except the
obvious. For the manipulator the answer only lies in the most complex incomprehensive formula that
in his mind holds some great power over the world. The answer for the self-psychologist is buried deep
in his mind amongst the dreams of a better reality. While he is truly not emancipated from his currert
reality, the musician still insists on continuing to live among his fantasies. The musician appears to
be insanely opposite to the mathematician, but they both hold the answers to everything anyone would
want to know and in this sense they are complements.
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